Vista Grande Elementary Voyagers Exploring Vast Oceans of Knowledge

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Kelly Dunn » Social Studies

Social Studies

Daily Geography:
Students will have a weekly Daily Geography assignment for homework during the year. The fifth graders were each given a spiral-bound booklet to use for the year. This booklet contains the information for each lesson. Fourth graders can use their textbook or the internet, if needed, for guidance on the questions.
National Parks:
Fourth and Fifth-graders have the opportunity to visit a California or a National State Park this year and receive credit in social studies. If you do not have the opportunity to visit a park by January, there are alternative assignments that can be done for credit as well. The information went home the second week of school and is also on this website (4th grade) and Ms. Tredennick's website (5th grade).
Non-Fiction Books:
Students will be expected to read several non-fiction books throughout the year as well. They will be given a half-sheet with a social studies topic and will have about a month to read the book they choose. Please fill out the form and return to class on or before the due date.