Vista Grande Elementary is located on the west side of the Palos Verdes Peninsula overlooking the Pacific Ocean. It has a commanding view of the Palos Verdes Peninsula and the islands offshore. Vista Grande is known for its high performing students, very active and involved parents, and dedicated, professional staff. Vista Grande Elementary School is one of ten elementary schools within the Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District.
The mission of Vista Grande is to develop students who are confident, creative thinkers. A Vista Grande Voyager is a positive role model and communicator who contributes to the community, demonstrating respect and the appreciation of differences through caring behavior toward all of its members.
The parents and community of Vista Grande are actively involved and vitally interested in the education of their children. The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) meets monthly and provides supplemental enrichment programs to support and enhance the instructional program. The PTA also provides funds for cultural enrichment programs, Art at Your Fingertips, supplemental classroom materials, technology, and other auxiliary services and programs. Vista Grande is unique in the fact that it also has a Japanese Parents Group, Korean Parents Group, as well as a Chinese Parents Group; all are generous in their personal and monetary support of the school.
In addition to the PTA, interested parents actively participate on the School Site Council, English Language Learner Advisory Committee, and Peninsula Education Foundation. Parents and community members are encouraged and welcomed to participate in a wide variety of on-campus activities, including volunteer work in the classroom, the library-media center, the cafeteria, and in support of special school events.
Vista Grande students have opportunities for leadership through participation in Team Kids, a community service organization designed to promote compassion and citizenship. Third through fifth grade students meet once per month to choose, organize and promote causes toward which they are passionate. While all Vista Grande students contribute to the monthly service challenges, fourth and fifth grade students take on a leadership role, such as gathering, sorting and preparing donations for the chosen organization.
Beyond the school day, students have the opportunity to participate in Laps for Learning. This running club for all grade levels meets before school several days a week, believing that active bodies promote active minds.
During the school day students work toward rigorous expectations in the context of emotionally safe classrooms. Academic risk-taking is encouraged. Vista Grande has adopted a growth mindset, for ourselves as educators and for our students. Our goal is to promote learning by acknowledging the information that mistakes provide and exploring multiple strategies that lead to ultimate success.