The state of California will be no longer using the CELDT test to monitor EL (English Learners) progress of mastering English. The state will start to use the ELPAC (English Language Proficiency Assessments for California) this spring in our school district.
The ELPAC tests four different areas:
- Listening
- Speaking
- Reading
- Writing
Also the ELPAC is aligned to the Common Core State Standards. So what your child is learning in class will be similar to what your child will see on the test. In addition, the ELPAC is similar to the CAASP (the state tests taken in spring by all 3rd-5th graders.)
Ways to help prepare your student
for the ELPAC:
1. Read to your child, or have your child read to you in English, DAILY
2. Use pictures and ask your child to tell you in English what they see in the picture or what is happening in the picture
3. Talk to your child's teacher about which areas of learning English (listening, speaking, reading, writing) he or she may need extra help
4. Have your child take the practice ELPAC online to feel more comfortable with the test and to learn the importance of it.
All information is based off ELPAC and Department of Education State of California websites.