Vista Grande Elementary Voyagers Exploring Vast Oceans of Knowledge

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Cosgrove/Libby's 3rd Grade Class

Course Description


Good Afternoon Room 8 Families! It has been another successful week!  Next week is our last before the winter holiday! This year is going by so quickly.
Ask your children what they learned in science this week. If they need prompting ask them about the celery and use words like, traits, inherited, environment. They should all be able to tell you some new information!
We have a busy week next week so please read everything very carefully!
9:00 am is our 3rd grade holiday sing! Please make sure your children have their recorder in their backpacks and are wearing red, green, or blue. They should be dressed in festive attire! 
TUESDAY: Normal school day :)
WEDNESDAY: Normal morning. Gingerbread house decorating in the afternoon. Parents who offered to help, please arrive at 1:45 to help set up! This is one of the most fun activities in 3rd grade! 
THURSDAY: Normal day with a fun secret activity in the afternoon. Thank you parents for all your donations! This is going to be special. 
FRIDAY: Minimum Day with pick up at noon!  We will have our classroom party with book exchange that day! Please bring a wrapped chapter book designated for either a boy or a girl so we can all have a fun book to read over the break! The books are due WEDNESDAY!! 
As always, please reach out if you have a question or need clarification! Please make sure those recorders are in their backpacks tonight!! 
Have a great weekend!

Good Afternoon!
We loved meeting with all of you this week. It was so much fun for us to talk to you and share all the fun we are having in third grade. Thank you so much for your support!  Please remember we are always available to meet if you ever have any concerns or questions. Email is the best way to reach us!
We discussed with many of you the importance of writing a strong paragraph. To help with this skill we are assigning an internet search on Monday to be due on Friday.  We did one in class yesterday as a sample and all the students were taught how to research a topic, take notes, and then type a 5-7 sentence paragraph in their own words about the topic. Many even included a picture. Please make sure they follow this format next week when the sample and rubric come home.  
iReady is a new computer based learning tool that we are exploring this year. It will be assigned as homework on Tuesdays but can be used more frequently.  It is a great way to get extra reading practice specifically tailored to the student's needs.  
Finally, we are beginning to implement a reading log that will stay in the homework folder. Reading for 20-30 minutes a day is extremely important.  Please support your child with this homework by making it mandatory and providing a quiet place to read to themselves or out loud at a minimum of 2 days per week.
Thank you!  Have a great weekend! 

clay creatures
Ask your children about what they learned in science today and what they created! Our science curriculum is in full swing and we are thoroughly impressed with how much our students are learning. 

Good Afternoon Room 8 Families!
Report cards went home today! We are so proud of all our students. They have worked so hard this first trimester and learned so much. We look forward to meeting with all of you next week during the conferences.  Our time for each conference is only 15 minutes. We will do our best to stay on time! 
Because of conferences, we have minimum days Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday next week with pick up at 12:00.  
Thank you to those that donated money already for our December gift! I am hoping we get enough to cover the cost. The other third grade classes are collecting as well. 
Only 3 weeks until winter break! We can't believe 2018 is almost over!
Have a great weekend!

Good Afternoon!
What a fun rainy day!  We ended up doing an exercise video in class during recess. We all laughed and had a great time.
Winter is a fun time to celebrate all sorts of traditions. We have loved reading about all your traditions and plan on spending time tomorrow sharing our traditions. The sharebook will come home with something written about a different tradition. Spend time talking about how different families spend their holidays.
Finally, we are including a link to a sign up genius for donations to a special holiday gift we would like to give all the third grade students.  This is completely voluntary!  The gifts will follow a wonderful book we read every year and will support a special family business.  Please click on the link to donate. Any amount is welcome and appreciated.  December Gift donation sign up. Let us know if you have any questions. 
Stay dry!

Good Afternoon Room 8 families! 
We had a great week to finish off our first trimester! I loved seeing all the dads at Dads and Donuts! Thank you PTA!  And today was a great STEAM day! Ask your children what they did in each class and take a look at the "habitat" your child created.
Winter Tradition paragraphs are due on November 30th. They can be typed but it is not required.  
Just a reminder that parent/teacher conferences are December 4, 5, & 6th. We will send reminder slips home on November 26th. Please be on the lookout for those reminders and sign them so we know you will be attending the conference.  If you need to change your time for some reason please let us know as soon as possible. We both attend the conferences on those 3 days and most of the time slots are filled. We are so proud of all of our students' effort and can't wait to share all their successes!
Have a great week off for Thanksgiving!  We are very thankful for our students, our families, our health, and each other! 

Thanksgiving STEAM Project

The day before Thanksgiving break all the third graders will be doing a rotation of STEAM activities with each teacher.  The items in the Sign up Genius link are necessary for the projects.  Please click on the link below and bring any items in by next Wednesday, November 14th.  Thank you in advance for your generosity. 

Good Afternoon Room 8 Families!  
Next week is our last week of October. We have book reports due on Monday and a fun Halloween day planned on Wednesday!
Almost all of our class logged on and got at least 3 green lights in Reflex this week! Way to go!  Fact fluency is happening in Room 8!
We introduced all of our students to an online supplemental reading program this week called iReady. They all took a diagnostic which targeted areas to improve in, areas they are confident in, as well as areas we can push to achieve.  Each student is at a different point in the system which allows us to differentiate our instruction.  We will continue to have them work on iReady at least once a week and might assign it for homework from time to time.  Please see us if you have any questions. 
Enjoy the Sketchers Walk on Sunday!  We have activities with our families so can't make it this year!  

Good Afternoon and Happy Friday!
We had a busy and fun week in room 8! Ask your children about what they built today in "Fun" Centers and who came to speak to our class. It was a wonderful treat! Thank you Mr. Beard!
Next week we have a Social Studies test on Thursday.  We have been studying communities, geography, and resources for many weeks. The past week we have worked on creating flash cards for our vocabulary words.  I spent quite a bit of time talking about ways to study for a test using a study guide, flash cards, and research.  Everyone learns differently. Third grade is a great time to learn different ways to study and figure out what works best.  The study guide and flash cards will be coming home Monday. Please review with your children before the test on Thursday. If you have free time this weekend and want to get a head start on reviewing the material, I posted the study guide on our Edlio page under "Homework" - Unit 1 Study Guide. 
Please bring your recorders to school beginning this Monday. If you purchased a recorder it will be handed out on Monday.  Keeping recorders in backpacks is a great way to guarantee you have your recorder every Monday for music class.  
The Sketchers Pier to Pier Friendship walk is next Sunday, October 28th. Please sign up and come walk with Vista Grande friends and family!
Finally, we have had quite a few absences the past few weeks due to illness and family events.  If your child is sick, please do not send them back to school until they have been fever free for 24 hours without medication.  Illnesses spread quickly in elementary school and we all appreciate everyone helping to keep our classroom free from unnecessary germs.  That said, it is hard for third graders to miss a lot of school so please try to limit missing multiple days due to family events and let us know if you are missing a day so we can send work home. 
Don't forget to continue reading your book report book and writing up the notes.  Come see us if you have any questions. We went over the expectations in detail in class so everyone should understand the requirements. The presentations are due on Monday, October 29th and the  will begin that day and continue everyday that week until everyone has a chance to share.  
Please look in our photo album for pictures from our STEM activity today! Have a great weekend!

What a day! Fun Run, AAYF, and Fun Friday!  I am sure your children are just as tired as I am. 
Thank you to Pam Light for organizing our Fun Run and for all the moms, dads, and grandparents who came out to cheer on our runners.  They did a fabulous job.
Thank you to Pressley Light's grandmother for teaching our AAYF! The projects turned out beautiful and the kids had a wonderful time.  Thank you for all the parent helpers who helped out with the project. The kids love having family in the room whenever possible!
Next week is Red Ribbon Week. A flyer went home today and hopefully will make it to you.  Each day there are activities to educate children on making healthy choices.  
Monday: Wear RED Day to show a commitment to making healthy choices. 
Tuesday: PLEDGE to keep our school united, safe, and healthy by wearing VG spirit wear. 
Wednesday: SPORT healthy choices and wear your favorite athletic gear. 
Thursday: PACK DAY! Pack a healthy snack.
Friday: Join Run Club for a special dance party/run with a special visitor!
Have a great weekend!

Happy Friday!  Next week starts October.  Please look at the office bulletin boards when you are at school this month to see our third graders Haunted House stories, October Alliterations, and Pumpkins. 
The book fair was so much fun this week! Thank you for those who donated books to our classroom and I loved seeing all the costumes today.  We had our first garden lesson this week. Thank you Mrs. Chan for being our garden helper.
Next week is our Fun Run and AAYF on Friday! Please turn in the Fun Run form if you haven't done so. We look forward to running with everyone.  A note about AAYF will come home on Monday. We love having as many parent helpers as possible. It is always a lot of fun.
Most students have chosen a book for their book report. Please remind them to read a little each day. Don't wait until the last minute!  Book reports must be ready to present on Monday, October 29th.  We will continue to discuss and model a good presentation in class. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Finally, we changed seats today. Some students struggle with where they sit either because it is too far away, their seat partner wiggles too much, or they just like to have more space.  We encourage students to take responsibility and quietly move to a different location in the room if necessary. We have shared this with the class, but please reinforce this with your children.  
Have a great weekend! 

Happy Friday! We hope to see you at the Luau tonight!
Another great week for Room 8!
We had our first grammar test on Thursday and we could tell many students studied!  We still need to work on making sure all sentences start with a capital letter and end with punctuation! 
Our Room Parents would like to remind you to fill out the PTA form and bring it to school as soon as possible. We have extra copies at school if you need one.
On Wednesday we sent home a note explaining our first book report.  The students must read a new chapter book that is at least 100 pages long and then give a short report to the class at the end of October. We DO NOT want students to write up a paragraph and read it to the class. They should write NOTES on a note card and use the note card to remember what to tell us about the book.  We will practice this in class in the next few weeks. All students should be ready to give their oral report by Monday, October 29th. We will be using the entire week to share our books.  Please let us know if you have any questions!  
The book fair is next week. Please stop by the library and pick out some wonderful books for your family or our classroom. This is a great time to find a book for our book report. 
Finally, the fun run is coming up on October 5th! A note will be sent home on Monday in the homework folder. Please participate! This is a huge fundraiser for our school. I can't wait to run with all the kids.
Have a great weekend!

Picture Day is tomorrow

Dear Room 8 Families,
Please remember that tomorrow is picture day.  I handed out many extra copies of the order form.  If you are interested in ordering an individual picture of your child please have your child put a completed form in their homework folder tonight. 
Also, the homework tonight is Peter Pan *B on the homework list.  All your child has to do is pick a page from chapter 2 to read to a family member with expression.  We discussed reading the page to themselves first and then performing the page to someone in their family.  It can be any page.  
Thank you!