Distance Learning Week 7 May 4- May 8.

Week 7 Distance Learning: May 4 – May 8. 

Reminder- Sunday, May 10th is Mother’s Day.  

Do something nice for your Mom! 😊 


Literature Essential Standards Focus: 

Main IdeaWhat the story/chapter is mostly about. 

Key Details-Supporting details that tell: How, When, What, Where, Why, How Much, and How Many. Refers to the Main Idea. 

Point of ViewWho is telling the story?  

1st Person= Narrator uses “I” 

2nd Person= Narrator uses “YOU” 

3rd Person= Narrator uses the character's NAME or “HE”, “SHE”, or “THEY”. 



4th Grade Literature for May 4 – May 8: ************************** 

Monday- Log in to your IReady account in the PVPUSD Portal. Work for 30 minutes. 


Tuesday- Listen to Chapter 9 and 10 of IBD. You can find each chapter on my Edlio page under the heading “Island of the Blue Dolphins”.  This is in the blue bar on the right side of the Edlio page. Answer your Main Idea/Key Detail reading questions for each of the chapters you read today.  

Think about the author’s Point of View while you read. Who is telling the story?  

See Essential Standards for this week that are listed above. 

These are your 4 questions you need to answer after reading each chapter of IBD: 

1.Main Idea of Chapter (Make sure your number your chapters) 

2.Key Detail #1 (something important to remember)

3. Key Detail #2

4. Key Detail #3


Wednesday- Log in to your IReady account for 30 minutes. I will be checking IReady accounts for who is doing their work each week. 


Thursday- Listen to Chapter 11 and 12 of IBD. Answer your reading questions for Chapters 7 and 8.  

These are your 4 questions you need to answer after reading each chapter of IBD: 

1.Main Idea of Chapter (Make sure your number your chapters) 

2.Key Detail #1 (something important to remember)

3.Key Detail #2

4.Key Detail #3


Friday- Work on your Book Report for the Chapter book you have been reading. See link to the choices for your Book Report on my Edlio page. If you have already turned in a book report to me, then please find a new chapter book to read. This should be a different book than Island of the Blue Dolphins. (IBD) 

  • MS Forms for Week 7- Fill out the attached MS Form about Chapters 9-12 of IBD. This MS Form is due by Sunday night, May 10 before 10:00 p.m. 



4th Grade California Social Studies, State Report and Grammar: 

Monday 5/4 and Tuesday 5/5 State Report 

  • Slide 5Are there differences in season, temperature, or precipitation within your state? Why or why not? 

Finally, start your 5th slide for your Climate PowerPoint presentation. It’s about how the seasons, weather, or precipitation are different in your state depending on where you are. This is usually the toughest slide for 4th and 5th graders to get right.   

Let me give you an example of what I will be looking for. (4th graders may re-word my ideas to make them your own, don’t just copy my words.)  If you were writing about California, you would say that southern California temperatures are mild year-round.  In the fall, we have Santa Ana winds and wildfires, then in winter we get a rainy season.  However, in the Central Valley their summers and winters are significantly hotter and colder than the weather down here, because they’re between two mountain ranges. There are also deserts and other climates you could talk about within the state.    

The point of this slide is to connect what we’ve learned about geography this year with your state’s climate. Describe any differences that there are inside of your state and mention why these differences exist—does it rain more in one area or is it milder in another area because it’s along the coast of the ocean? Is it colder at the higher elevations in your state? Is there a desert, and do you know why?    

You’ll work on this slide today and Tuesday.  You can do complete sentences or bullet points with complete thoughts.  You only have to do ONE slide with this information, so don’t go too overboard with details—just general statements are OK.   

Monday Grammar (Try your best on the quizzes. They will not lower your grade. They are for practice and showing effort.) 


Brain Pop https://www.brainpop.com/english/grammar/personalpronouns/ 

Schoolhouse Rock  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koZFca8AkT0 

MS Forms  https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=alG_LzE4eUS6iIMJfbVyeaeBPAoxykREqcuBS5MNjzJUNVI5MkdJNUEyTkVVWlk4T0s5R0pHMTdYVi4u 

Tuesday Grammar 


Brain Pop https://www.brainpop.com/english/grammar/adjectives/ 

School House Rock   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkuuZEey_bs 

Adjectives Quiz https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=alG_LzE4eUS6iIMJfbVyeaeBPAoxykREqcuBS5MNjzJUQVpLM0VSVU1QQ1RITDRLRFRJM05ZUjlVTi4u



Wednesday 5/6 State Report- Finish any incomplete slides for your Climate PowerPoint and turn in TODAY! 

Wednesday Grammar 


Brain Pop https://www.brainpop.com/english/grammar/adverbs/ 

Schoolhouse Rock https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14fXm4FOMPM 

Adverbs Quiz https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=alG_LzE4eUS6iIMJfbVyeaeBPAoxykREqcuBS5MNjzJURU1GVjBQMjVGNFdVSUhBNzVWRlQ5WTlCWC4u



Thursday 5/7 and Friday 5/8 Social Studies- 4th Grade: Choose an activity, video, or virtual field trip from my Links area on Edlio. Email me what you chose to do for each of these days and write up a mini summary of what you learned. You will write one summary for what you chose to do on Thursday and another summary for what you chose for Friday. You can even watch a Liberty Kids video if you would like. I am trying to have you see all the links and resources I have listed and allow you to choose what you are interested in. Next week we will start Chapter 8 in Social Studies. 

Thursday Grammar 


Brain Pop https://www.brainpop.com/english/grammar/interjections/ 

Schoolhouse Rock   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkAX7Vk3JEw 

Interjections Quiz https://www.brainpop.com/dashboard/assignments/e8481b0207862fb6/periods/044c5584cb737a15 

Friday 5/8 

There is no grammar for today. Happy Friday! 




5th Grade Assignments ******************************** 

Literature for May 4- May 8: 

Monday- Log in to your IReady account in the PVPUSD Portal. Work for 30 minutes. I am recording who is logging and how long you are working on IReady Reading. Some of you are NOT logging in and working for 30 minutes each time! 

Tuesday- Read for 30 minutes in your chapter book. Answer the 4 questions for each chapter you read.  

Think about the author’s Point of View while you read. Who is telling the story?  

See Essential Standards for this week that are listed above. 

1.Main Idea of Chapter (Make sure your number your chapters) 

2.Key Detail #1 (something important to remember from chapter)

3.Key Detail #2

4.Key Detail #3

Wednesday- Log in to your IReady account for 30 minutes. I will be checking your progress on IReady. You should be around 60 minutes for the week. 

Thursday- Read for 30 minutes in your chapter book. Answer the 4 questions for each chapter you read. 

1.Main Idea of Chapter (Make sure your number your chapters) 

2.Key Detail #1 (something important to remember from chapter)

3.Key Detail #2

4.Key Detail #3

Friday- Read for 30 minutes in your chapter book. Answer the 4 questions for each chapter you read. 

1.Main Idea of Chapter (Make sure your number your chapters) 

2.Key Detail #1 (something important to remember from chapter)

3.Key Detail #2

4.Key Detail #3


5th Grade MS Forms Chapter book reading quiz for this week.  

Due by Sunday, May 10  before 10 p.m. 



5th Grade Social Studies, State Report and Grammar: 

Monday 5/4 and Tuesday 5/5 State Report 

  • Slide 5Are there differences in season, temperature, or precipitation within your state? Why or why not? 

Finally, start your 5th slide for your Climate PowerPoint presentation. It’s about how the seasons, weather, or precipitation are different in your state depending on where you are. This is usually the toughest slide for 4th and 5th graders to get right.   

Let me give you an example of what I will be looking for. If you were writing about California, you would say that southern California temperatures are mild year-round.  In the fall, we have Santa Ana winds and wildfires, then in winter we get a rainy season.  However, in the Central Valley their summers and winters are significantly hotter and colder than the weather down here, because they’re between two mountain ranges. There are also deserts and other climates you could talk about within the state.    

The point of this slide is to connect what we’ve learned about geography this year with your state’s climate. Describe any differences that there are inside of your state and mention why these differences exist—is it rainier or milder in one area because it’s along the coast of the ocean? Is it colder at the higher elevations in your state? Is there a desert, and do you know why?    

You’ll work on this slide today and Tuesday.  You can do complete sentences or bullet points with complete thoughts.  You only have to do ONE slide with this information, so don’t go too overboard with details—just general statements are OK.   

Monday Grammar (Try your best on the quizzes. They will not lower your grade. They are for practice and showing effort.) 


Brain Pop https://www.brainpop.com/english/grammar/personalpronouns/ 

Schoolhouse Rock  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koZFca8AkT0 

MS Forms  https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=alG_LzE4eUS6iIMJfbVyeaeBPAoxykREqcuBS5MNjzJUNVI5MkdJNUEyTkVVWlk4T0s5R0pHMTdYVi4u 

Tuesday Grammar 


Brain Pop https://www.brainpop.com/english/grammar/adjectives/ 

School House Rock   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkuuZEey_bs 

Adjectives Quiz https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=alG_LzE4eUS6iIMJfbVyeaeBPAoxykREqcuBS5MNjzJUQVpLM0VSVU1QQ1RITDRLRFRJM05ZUjlVTi4u



Wednesday 5/6 State Report- Finish any incomplete slides for your Climate PowerPoint and turn in TODAY! 

Wednesday Grammar 


Brain Pop https://www.brainpop.com/english/grammar/adverbs/ 

Schoolhouse Rock https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14fXm4FOMPM 

Adverbs Quiz https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=alG_LzE4eUS6iIMJfbVyeaeBPAoxykREqcuBS5MNjzJURU1GVjBQMjVGNFdVSUhBNzVWRlQ5WTlCWC4u



Thursday 5/7 Social Studies

Watch the Brain Pop on Causes of the American Revolution 

Causes of the American Revolution  https://www.brainpop.com/socialstudies/ushistory/causesoftheamericanrevolution/

Extra Credit Graphic Organizer



FYI for next week****

We will be starting Chapter 12 next week. The textbook goes very fast through the American Revolution and some of the key battles are barely discussed.  I will be slowing  it down and having you read some of the textbook, watch different videos and take Word Document notes for each day next week.  I also have many Liberty Kids Videos to watch. (This is for Shun who loves them)  :) My daily plans follow the textbook topics and then I added videos where they fit in to make it easy for you to follow. 


Thursday Grammar 


Brain Pop https://www.brainpop.com/english/grammar/interjections/ 

Schoolhouse Rock   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkAX7Vk3JEw 

Interjections Quiz https://www.brainpop.com/dashboard/assignments/e8481b0207862fb6/periods/3e0268bb72eab0ca 


Friday 5/8 Social Studies- Watch the Brain Pop on the American Revolution 

American Revolution https://www.brainpop.com/socialstudies/ushistory/americanrevolution/

Extra Credit Graphic Organizer


There is no grammar for today! Happy Friday.