Vista Grande Elementary Voyagers Exploring Vast Oceans of Knowledge

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The office staff that dresses as a team, stays as a team!

The office staff that dresses as a team, stays as a team!

A couple of creative first graders!

A couple of creative first graders!

Wearing our craziest hats for Red Ribbon Week

Wearing our craziest hats for Red Ribbon Week


5th grade OSS meeting

4th grade Boom Town

4th grade Boom Town

VG kinder letting go of butterflies

VG kinder letting go of butterflies

3rd grade root beer float party

3rd grade root beer float party


5th grade OSS hike

4th grade Boom Town

4th grade Boom Town


5th grade OSS hike

4th grade Boom Town

4th grade Boom Town

4th grade Boom Town!

4th grade Boom Town

California's Indigenous people poster!

4th grade California's Indigenous people poster!

4th Grade’s  Collision Contraptions

4th Grade’s

Collision Contraptions

Learning about Chinese new year

Learning about Chinese new year

Walter giving a presentation!

Walter giving a presentation! 

Who doesn't have fun at P.E.

Who doesn't have fun at P.E.

Where in the world are you from?

Where in the world are you from?

Voyagers are Kind!

Voyagers are Kind!


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News & Announcements

New Vista Grande Gear!

Voyagers! We have new Vista Grande apparel available for purchase at our VG online storefront.

Reporting Absences

For each full day your student is absent, please notify the school office by email at [email protected] or call (310) 377-6066 and listen to the recording for instructions. This must be done within three days of an absence. Provide the following:

•     Name of student
•     Grade and Teacher 
•     Reason for absence
•     Your relationship to the student


If you want to volunteer at VG, you must have all volunteer documents submitted and received. All volunteers need to complete this and upload the required documents, even if you cleared last year. Visit the District website for
more information.
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