Vista Grande Elementary Voyagers Exploring Vast Oceans of Knowledge

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Bryn Colvin » Book Report Choice Board

Book Report Choice Board

***Book Report*** DUE:  Friday, May 29. (You may turn in early) 

You have been reading a chapter book of your choice since Week 1 (March 16).  When you are finished with your book you need to pick one of the following book reports to complete. 

 Email me a photo if you are creating something hand drawn.   

  1. * Book summary (Beginning, Middle, End). 
  1. * Book Poster with picture and summary. 
  1. * Timeline- List 5 or more important events from your book. 
  1. * Diorama in a box or on a paper of your favorite part of the chapter book. 
  1. * Test- create a test and answer key for your book. 
  1. * Scrapbook-pretend you are the main character and design a scrapbook that tells about your life using ideas from the book. 
  1. * Collage- draw or use pictures from the internet that represent the main character, favorite part, or big idea of your book. 
  1. * Letters- write a letter to the main character or pretend to be the main character and write a letter to someone in the book. 
  1. * Graphic Novel- Choose a favorite chapter or section from your book and turn it into a graphic novel. 
  1. * PowerPoint- Be creative and tell me about your book.